
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hide & Seek

Do you seek out your hidden Christmas presents before the holiday?  If so, do you shake the present or peel back the wrapping paper and take a look inside?

E.J-  I prefer the mystery and suspense of waiting.  I never peek! ;)


  1. Hi EJ :)
    I got a great comment on your poem from author Nicole.
    I never peek either, I like the surprise when I unwrap the present.
    All the best,

  2. Hi EJ--

    I agree with RK and you, that peeking robs the fun out of it. However, if your gift-giver is notoriously poor, and my expression upon opening the gift might have given away my true feelings about the gift in the past, then I think I'm just preparing myself not to have that look on my face by finding out ahead of time. I don't want to offend my gift-giver, even if she might not be a talented one...

