Please welcome today's guest author Kathleen McKenna! Kathleen is the author of the paranormal mystery The Wedding Gift
EJ: When did you begin writing?
Kathleen: I started my first book fifteen years ago with a paragraph, that was it for twelve years then finally I wrote a second paragraph and eventually finished the book, since then I have developed what I am sure is a weird Tourettes based writing condition, but this is not recognized yet by the A.M.A.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
Kathleen: Stephen King, when I was way too young for it I read Salem's Lot and ended up sleeping under my bed for weeks, good times! After I read Shining I fell in love with all things ghost related. Its funny I've never met anyone that hasn't had some kind of creepy experience in one place or another and so ghost stories are a little bit natural I think. Whereas there are so many Vampire stories out there and I've yet to meet anyone who has had a vampire related experience. Now I'm only human and wish Erick from True Blood was real lol, but sadly I'm afraid that he exists only in the wonderful imagination of his writer. I missed ghost stories so I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring and hope other people wanted to read them again too.
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
Kathleen: This ones easy, I'd be invisible, most people say flying, but I'm terrified of bats. Being invisible means going anywhere and doing whatever you want. For me I think the first stop would be George Clooney's place and after that I'd go to Mr. Kings house and read all his unfinished manuscripts. Being invisible is a lot like being a ghost for all intents and purposes so its a natural for a writer in my genre.
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
Kathleen: This one isn't so easy because I always feel funny asking people to read my work, but I'll try. With The Wedding Gift I wrote the book I wanted to read and filled it with stuff that I loved, Southern Gothic, over the top funny characters who were loveable and a ghost or two so that maybe you wanted to keep the lights on at night. Anyway I hoped that if I loved reading about those things other people might too. Weirdly though this book is definitely paranormal I also wanted it to be a happy book and one that gave a reader a chance to visit a group of people who I hoped they would think of as friends.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
Kathleen: Okay well since this is every writers fantasy I will go with my fantasy cast. Leeann my heroine is a dead ringer for Taylor Swift, unfortunately she is not an actress and all the actress's I can think of are too old to play her so I better start watching Gossip Girl just in case. For Jessie, I would love it to be Ellen Page, she has that same feisty sweetness. For the dead, Natalie Portman would be the most wonderful Robina, and for the ultimate mother in law bitch goddess of all time, well wouldn't Madonna make the best ever Miz Bethany?
The Wedding Gift by Kathleen McKenna.
Kathleen McKenna's explosive third novel 'The Wedding Gift' excels in so many categories it defies them all. It is a spine-electrifying supernatural tale where a huge Southern States mansion contains one of the most terrifying, violent and indeed psychopathic ghosts to haunt any town. It is also a murder mystery - why did Robina Willets apparently kill all five of her young children, and her husband, before stabbing herself to death?
Thank you Kathleen for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
If you would like to learn more about Kathleen McKenna and her books, please visit her author page at Night Publishing.
Thanks for the interview, E.J. and Kathleen. Kathleen, I like your agenda/plan if and when you turn invisible.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with The Wedding Gift!
Very nice interview! I definitely like your characters Kathleen.
ReplyDeleteBy the way Taylor Swift had a small part in the 2010 movie "Valentines Day". She played Taylor Lautner love interest. I thought she was very funny :-)
Hi E.J.!
ReplyDeleteI have Kathleen's fantastic new cover ... in case you could substitute this pink one for our new VERY COOL one. If you can, please email me at
As a writer of fantasy/time travelling by thought transference etc I found this interview fascinating.
ReplyDeleteFrom the glimpses I've seen of Wedding Gift I agree it has the makings of a movie.
Eye of Erasmus
Great interview. I have to add this book to my TBR pile!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the dream casting :) I totally hate Madonna, so I think she'd be a perfect Miz Bethany!