Please welcome today's guest author J.A. Saare! J.A. Saare is the author of Crimson Moon
EJ: When did you begin writing?
JA: I started writing in June of 2008. I was burned out of being a stay at home mom and wanted to find some kind of way to escape what had become a routine of more of the same. I found that in escaping into these worlds I created, I could make time for myself. It was an amazing adventure that quickly became an obsession.
EJ: What brought you to the paranormal genre?
JA: I’ve always been a fan of the paranormal; as far back as I can remember. There is something so exciting about creatures and characters that are not restricted in the same ways humans are. While I have started writing contemporary works recently, I will always return to the paranormal genre. It’s impossible to resist, and remains one of my favorite genres to read as well.
EJ: If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?
JA: I’d choose a werewolf -- definitely. Werewolves have always been my favorite creature to read about, and I would love to experience what it’s like to view life through the eyes of a beast versus a woman. Of course, if I could have a supernatural talent, it would be to turn invisible. There are a lot of inventive (and mischievous) things I could do to people who aren’t aware I’m plotting something right in front of them. *smile*
EJ: Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.
JA: Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between has a little bit of everything -- a strong female protagonist, vampires, demons, action, danger. There is even a strip club and argumentative topless dancers. Of course, the flourishing romance between Rhiannon (the voice of the book) and Disco (the vampire she can’t seem to stop thinking about) is what people seem to love most about the story. As well as the darkness of the work and the subplot involving vampire hearts, Rhiannon’s increasingly powerful necromancy, and the cliffhanger that everyone keeps talking about.
EJ: If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?
JA: This is one of the hardest questions to answer, because the faces I picture when I’m creating my characters are usually not based off of any celebrity -- with the exception of two of them. As I was writing Crimson Moon, I pictured Chris Evans in the role of Caleb and Cam Gigandet in the role of Derek. I don’t know why really, aside from they just seemed to fit.
If I absolutely had to choose an actress to portray Emma, I’d probably say Emily Browning. For Rhiannon, the closest I can come up with is Sophia Bush. I get a lot of requests for celebrities who look like Trent, Paine, and Disco, but they are literally impossible to place. Their faces, in my mind, are totally unique.
Dead, Undead or Somewhere in Between (Rhiannon's Law, book 1) by J.A. Saare
One bad corpse can ruin your whole day. No one knows that better than Rhiannon Murphy. She left behind the flash and sass of Miami for the no-nonsense groove of New York City, eager for a clean slate and a fresh start. A bartender by trade, a loud mouth by choice, and a necromancer by chance; she managed to keep her nifty talent hidden from those around her—until now.
The deliciously good-looking vampire, Disco, knows her secret. When he strolls into her bar to solicit help investigating the mysterious disappearances of his kind from the city, Rhiannon discovers he’s not the kind of person that appreciates the significance of the word no.
But in a world where vampires peddle their blood as the latest and greatest drug of choice, it’s only a matter of time before the next big thing hits the market. Someone or something is killing vampires to steal their hearts, and unlike Rhiannon, this isn’t their first stroll around the undead block.
Thank you J.A. for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about J.A. Saare and her books, please visit her website.