
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guest Author Interview: Danielle D. Smith + Swag Giveaway

Please welcome today's guest author Danielle D. Smith.  Danielle is the author of Psyche's Gate and Black Dog and Rebel Rose.

EJ:  When did you begin writing?

  I originally began writing as a very young tween, around 11 years old, and was very enthusiastic about epic fantasy stories early on. My poetry and short fiction was published in student journals and newspapers when I was a teenager. I eventually let writing fall by the wayside in order to focus on fine art and painted almost exclusively for about a decade. Then, about two years ago, my husband went into law school and I began to write again in order to decompress from all the stress of paying the bills. The result was Psyche's Gate, my first novel, and since its publication I have never looked back. My second book, Black Dog and Rebel Rose, is hitting the market just in time for Halloween. Very exciting!

EJ:  What brought you to the paranormal genre?

  I have always loved dark mythology, whether that be vampires, werewolves, ghosts, or something more celestial. Angels became the obvious choice for me early on: I was raised by a mother who believes firmly in celestial guardians and guides, and somewhere along the road, the concept stuck. My angels are warriors: strong, sexy, sometimes tormented, always fascinating. My demons closely follow suit.

EJ:  If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?

I would love to have the ability to drink without getting drunk. Lol! Okay, having wings would be totally cool, too. ;) Being able to take to the skies and fly without limits, to soar up and touch the very stars, would be a wonderful gift.

EJ:  Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.

  Black Dog and Rebel Rose is a steamy horror romp, pure and simple. This is an incredibly focused story, very to the point: two main characters, an abandoned town, and vampyre guts blown all over the place. The sex is sizzling, the dialogue sharper than steel, and when you throw hot motorcycles and tattoos into the mix, how can paranormal fun not be had?

Psyche's Gate, in contrast, is sexy, yet serious. The characters are developed with great care. Psyche is the epitome of the hopeful artist: penniless, yet unable to unchain herself from the creative gift given to her. Alexius is the dark, tormented heavenly warrior who has fallen from grace and into the realm of mortals, the "talking monkeys" that he should despise and be willing to sacrifice in order to regain his stolen wings. In the end, Psyche is the woman that he has been commanded to kill, and yet he finds that he will do anything to spare her from harm. Psyche's Gate is a tale where love is truly meant to conquer all, including the commands of Heaven and Hell.

EJ:  If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?

Black Dog and Rebel Rose: I'd love to see Mia Kirshner as Rose. The woman manages to be a solid serious actress and ooze a gothy sex appeal all at the same time. As far as Skriker goes, who knows? It'd probably have to be some unknown hottie--Kiefer Sutherland is too old, not tall enough, and not buff enough, even though I always think of Skrike every time I watch The Lost Boys.

Psyche's Gate: Ideally, I would see Natalie Portman cast as Psyche. Natalie manages to be both dainty and strong. She is beautiful, but in an unpretentious manner, just like my heroine. On top of it, I have read that her mother is an artist, so she'd probably be able to appreciate the role.
Alexius was actually based strongly on my husband, Aaron, who is a very talented actor in his own right, so I would ultimately love to see him cast as the "unknown" who made his big break playing the character that was based so perfectly on him. A second choice would probably be Hugh Jackman, with his sculpted figure and intense onscreen presence.

Black Dog and Rebel Rose by Danielle D. Smith.


A meltingly sexy hunter with rock star style. An insatiable seducer and lover of women. Son of a human lady of the night and a True Native of Hell, he is a killer of the evils that dwell in darkness.  Fifty miles of bad road will lead him and his rumbling Harley to an abandoned town and the vampyre hunt of his dreams. It is in the rot and the ruin that Skriker will discover his destiny.


A fierce and beautiful huntress haunted by a tragic past. The most amazing woman that Skriker has ever met.  A sizzling tryst will lead him to discover that Rose is his soul mate, the girl who will make him abandon his lustful ways and make him hunger for her alone. But Skriker's new beloved harbors an ironic secret. A secret that may lead to a half-demon's gruesome undoing...

Thank you Danielle for joining us here today at From the Shadows!

To learn more about Danielle D. Smith and her books, please visit her website.

** Psyche's Gate Swag Giveaway **

To enter, please leave a comment with your email address.  You do not have to be a follower to enter (though I always appreciate a follow!).  One winner will receive an autographed Psyche's Gate bookmark.  This giveaway is International!  Giveaway ends October 1, 2010 midnight EST.


  1. Great Interview! I would love to enter the contest. Thank you

  2. Awesome! I would love to be entered :)

  3. Love the interview, Dani! Just curious, is there a role Hugh Jackman wouldn't look good in? (sweet sigh). LOL

    Best of luck,

  4. ooh this is lovely;)
    count me in
    am a follower

  5. I would love to read these, you had me at a steamy horror romp.

  6. Hi Dani -
    Very nice interview. Your books sound great!

    Lea Ellen {night owl in IL}

  7. Hi Danielle

    Just love the cover....In all this time, I kept meaning to look at it...Stormy and I are sitting here loving it. I cannot wait to read...


  8. oops enter us in the contest!!!!

    grammy and stormy

  9. Great interview, though I'm drifting to a dreamworld of a 70's pornos mix with a Vampiric Mad Max situation. Sounds groovilicious!


  10. Fredamans:

    You got it!!! I am soooo a Mad Max chick!
    --Dani Smith

  11. Oh man, this sounds good. I Want.


  12. I should mention that Black Dog and Rebel Rose will be out in PAPERBACK on September 30th!!!
    Watch my website for the official buy link!

  13. Just want to say. This author is gonna be big! I love the premise of her books

  14. Amazing giveaway! I so do love Halloween!
    Count me in!
    I follow also!!


  15. Awesome giveaway! I heard good things of this author!!
    I follow!


  16. Great interview, very interesting. No giveaway needed. I just wanted to say "hi" :)

  17. Sounds really interesting. Please count me in!

    I'm an old follower.

    isabookwhore at gmail dot com

    Thank you!

  18. Awesome interview! Dani, your books sound so fascinating and I can't wait to get started on Psyche's Gate! You're an amazing artist as well and your book covers are fabulous. Wishing you big, big success!

  19. I enjoyed the interview and would love to be entered in the giveaway as I collect bookmarks.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  20. I like the sound of that. :D And the interview was cool. ^_^

    lcdmcg (at) gmail (dot) com

  21. George here - I have the book (so don't enter me in the contest) just wanted to comment and say I always pictured Kiefer Sutherland in the role as well - you know, in his younger days...

    I guess great minds think alike! Wishing you ever the success you richly deserve!

  22. FYI: a great review was just posted at Coffee Time Romance for Black Dog and Rebel Rose! Check it out! :)

    Thanks to everyone for all your support!!! I love you all!!

  23. Hi Danielle - Great interview!
    You don't need to enter me and take a chance away from your excited readers, I just wanted to say hi and show my support :-)
    Best wishes!

  24. Hi EJ and Dani
    I don't know what a bookmark really is, but it would be nice to win it :)

  25. I am a follower please include me

  26. squee! would love to win this - please enter me!

    k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

    i am a new follower

  27. I think Natalie Portman would be a good choice to play Psyche too. Her over Keria Knightly if you want to focus on the romantic side of Psyche.

    I'm a new follower,(through twitter, LuvTrinity)and my email is
    please enter me in the contest.

  28. Sounds like a good book

  29. I would love to be entered!

    Kelly //
