Those Who Fight Monsters: Tales of Occult Detectives edited by Justin Gustainis.
Those Who Fight Monsters: Tales of Occult Detectives brings together popular characters from many Urban Fantasy paranormal investigative series, for your enjoyment.
Meet the Detectives:
Danny Hendrickson - from Laura Anne Gilman's Cosa Nostradamus series.
Kate Connor - from Julie Kenner’s Demon Hunting Soccer Mom series.
John Taylor - from Simon R. Green’s Nightside series.
Jill Kismet - from Lilith Saintcrow’s Jill Kismet series.
Jessi Hardin - from Carrie Vaughn’s Kitty Norville series.
Quincey Morris - from Justin Gustainis’ Morris/Chastain Investigations series.
Marla Mason - from T. A. Pratt's Marla Mason series.
Tony Foster - from Tanya Huff’s Smoke and Shadows series.
Dawn Madison - from Chris Marie Green’s Vampire Babylon series.
Pete Caldecott - from Caitlin Kittredge’s Black London series.
Tony Giodone - from C. T. Adams and Cathy Clamp’s Tales of the Sazi series.
Jezebel - from Jackie Kessler’s Hell on Earth series.
Piers Knight - from C. J. Henderson’s Brooklyn Knight series.
Cassiel - from Rachel Caine’s Outcast Season series.
Demons may lurk, werewolves may prowl, vampires may ride the wind. These are things that go bump in the night, but we are the ones who bump back!
Tasty bites of dark, gritty Urban Fantasy. Those Who Fight Monsters: Tales of Occult Detectives
is a wonderful collection of urban fantasy short stories. This anthology takes us on numerous paranormal adventures with the intriguing, multifaceted perspective of fourteen hunters and their prey. I enjoyed the diversity of this anthology. While these short stories all share a common thread, they are also each unique. Take a journey into the bowels of nightmare cities, roam the streets with weres and fae, or pull up a stool at your favorite watering hole. No matter where you turn there be monsters...and those who dare to fight them.
Here are spoiler-free teasers to give the flavor of each short story in this delectable UF anthology.
"So, uh, what exactly is the beast of Felport? Werewolf, demon, undead mutant water buffalo? My grasp of local history is a little shaky"
-Little Better than a Beast
"Huuuuuuuman." That one came from somewhere off to my left. The shiver became an itch, the urge to follow, to find the treasure such a creature undoubtedly hid here, below ground, in its mines.
Besides, I didn't have the best of luck with boys. The first time I went out with a guy, he turned out to be a demon.
-The Demon You Know...
It's always half full of junk and garbage, and the only reason there aren't any bodies to step over is because the rats have eaten them all. You have to watch out for rats in the Nightside; some people say they're evolving.
-The Spirit of the Thing
When another hunter calls, you go. It's that simple. We who hold back the tide of Hell don't ask for help lightly.
-Holding the Line
What was it Kitty sometimes said? Just when you thought you were getting a handle on the supernatural, just when you thought you'd seen it all, something even more unbelievable came along.
-Defining Shadows
The once coal-black hair was shot through with streaks of gray that made him look older than his years. The black hair came from the Morris family tree. The gray was put there by the family profession, begun over a century ago by a man who died in the shadow of Castle Dracula.
-Deal Breaker
Having Henry Fitzroy, bastard of Henry VIII, romance writer, and vampire based in Vancouver was enough to bring in the fine and freaky. Since Tony had started developing his powers, the freaky vastly outnumbered the fine.
-See Me
As a former vampire who'd been turned human again with the termination of her maker, Dawn knew just what it was like to feel the darkness as it tried to drag you under.
-Soul Stains
The Lament was theoretically a neutral zone in the Black, the ebb and flow of magical London that existed out of most people's sight. No fighting, no magic and no Fae.
-Under the Hill and Far Away
Blame the werewolf in me. When I get annoyed, my mask of humanity slips a little, even with my former employer.
-An Ace in the Hole
"I'm an equal opportunity succubus," I agreed happily. Whatever the gender, whatever the form, I loved humans. To death.
-Hell Bound
He worked as a curate at the rightly famous Brooklyn Museum. As such, Knight had access to both religious and blasphemous articles of historical significance from throughout human history.
-Impossible Love
Luis didn't like to let me stray too far, claiming that I was a magnet for trouble. That might have had some credence, actually; I did seem to draw attention to myself far too much for safety.
-Running Wild
I highly recommend
Those Who Fight Monsters: Tales of Occult Detectives
to readers of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, paranormal suspense, and especially to fans of urban fantasy anthologies.
Those Who Fight Monsters: Tales of Occult Detectives
may appeal to fans of Justin Gustainis, T.A. Pratt, Laura Anne Gilman, Julie Kenner, Simon R. Green, Lilith Saintcrow, Carrie Vaughn, Tanya Huff, Chris Marie Green, Caitlin Kittredge, C.T. Adams, Cathy Clamp, Jackie Kessler, C.J. Henderson, and Rachel Caine.
Sensitive reader warning: mild violence, sexual situations. The short story 'Hell Bound' contains explicit adult material.
Source: This book was provided by the author or publisher for honest review.
Those Who Fight Monsters: Tales of Occult Detectives on Amazon.
Those Who Fight Monsters: Tales of Occult Detectives on Goodreads.
**Those Who Fight Monsters Giveaway**
We are giving away a copy of
Those Who Fight Monsters: Tales of Occult Detectives
signed by Justin Gustainis!
To enter, please leave a comment on this post including your email address (so we may contact you if you win). You do not have to be a follower to enter (though I always appreciate a follow!). US mailing addresses only. Giveaway ends April 5th midnight EST.