Please welcome today's paranormal guest author Ashlynne Laynne. Ashlynne is the author of
The Progeny
Blood Bonds
Keep reading for a chance to win ebook copies of The Progeny (2nd Edition) and Blood Bonds by Ashlynne Laynne.
Ashlynne Laynne’s Interview with Ascher and Shauna Rousseau
Ascher and Shauna both appear through the bi-fold patio doors that lead to a cozy lanai, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Ashlynne: (stands and hugs Ascher) “Ash, it’s so good to see you.” (hugs
Shauna) “Shauna you look fabulous. You’ve been working out?”
Shauna: (sits in a wicker chair opposite Ashlynne) “I’m facing the trials soon, so I have to focus on my conditioning.”
Ashlynne: “So, what are you doing to prepare?”
Shauna: “Ash and I run a lap around the island every morning and he’s teaching me to use a javelin and daggers.”
Ashlynne: "Is Ascher fair or does he run laps around you while using his vampire speed?”
Shauna: “You know Ash; he’s such a practical joker sometimes. He’s always jeering me and telling me to move my butt.”
Ashlynne: “You look great, Shauna. I’m sure you’ll pass with flying colors.”
Ascher: (disappears for a second, then reappears with tea and
sandwiches) “I hope you like tea, Ashlynne,” Ascher speaks in his sexy
French accented English.
Ashlynne: (smiles) “Tea’s fine, Ash.” (turns to Shauna) “Have you gotten used to his vampire speed yet?”
Shauna: (giggles) “He’s showing off, he hardly ever does that anymore.”
Ascher: (settles down in the chair next to Shauna, his hand lovingly
placed over hers) “It’s nice to have you here on Tranquility, Ashlynne.”
Ashlynne: “It’s so beautiful here, and I have to admit, I’ve always wanted to come to Hawaii.”
Ascher: “Shauna and I love it here. I think we’ll be sad to go back to Langley.”
Ashlynne: “So, married life seems to be agreeing with the both of you. Has it changed your relationship?”
Shauna: “Not really...we were committed to one another before the
ceremonies, so a certificate and wedding band don’t mean a whole lot.”
Ashlynne: “Speaking of wedding bands...can I just say, wow! Those rings are gorgeous. Who picked them out?”
Ascher: “Gabe helped me to pick them out.”
Ashlynne: “How are Gabe and Katy?”
Shauna: “They’re down in Miami taking a breather for the summer. Kat’s really happy.”
Ashlynne: “I heard that they got engaged. Tell her congratulations for me.”
Shauna: “I will.”
Ashlynne: “We’re on a private island, swarming with security, so I’m assuming that Ursula is at it again.”
Ascher: (a swirl of Crimson flashes in his eyes as his jaw tightens)
“They are the reason that we had to come here, in the first place.” (his
eyes soften) “We’re grateful to Tris and Kara for allowing us to use
their home. We’ve have had a lot of fun.”
Shauna: (blushes as she meets Ascher’s gaze) “We sure have.”
Ashlynne: “Excuse me if I’m being nosey, but does that fun happen to include trying to conceive a baby?”
Shauna: (glances at Ascher and they both smile at one another) “Yes, we’re trying, but we haven’t had any luck yet.”
Ascher: (chuckles deviously) “I’ve rather enjoyed the practicing.”
Ashlynne: “Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect.”
Both Ascher and Shauna grin.
Ascher: “Trust me, Ashlynne, you’ll be the first to know.”
Ashlynne: “How is the conversion to animal blood going?”
Ascher: (frowns) “I’m better but it’s still tough. I’m determined to succeed and Shauna is very supportive.”
Ashlynne: “I have one more question and I’ll have everything that I need
for the interview. Ash, you’re wearing a flowered shirt. Does that mean
that you’re conforming?”
Ascher: (chuckles) “Hell no. Shauna got this hideous thing for me to
wear for the interview, so that I didn’t scare the crap out of you.”
Ashlynne: “I’m not afraid of you, Ascher, but Shauna did a great job.
It’s an unexpected change from your usual attire. You should wear
non-black clothing more often.”
Ascher: (tugs at his shirt collar) “I don’t know about that, Ashlynne.”
Shauna stifles a laugh.
Ashlynne: “I know you guys have a ton of things to do and I think I have
what I need for my blog. Is there anything you’d like to say in
Shauna: “It was fun having you here and there’s an open invitation for you to visit Bonheur anytime.”
Ascher: “Yes, let’s do it again really soon.”
Ashlynne: “That’s awful sweet of the both of you. Thanks for the
interview and have fun working on the little Rousseau.” (hugs Shauna)
“Take care doll and say hello to the others for me.”
Shauna: “I will and you take care, too, Ashlynne.”
Ascher: “I’ll show you out.”
Blood Bonds (The Progeny #2) by Ashlynne Laynne.
“Forever. For always. For eternity.”
The ties that bind two hearts are powerful. For Ascher Rousseau and
Shauna McCutchin, it’s more than just a blood bond. Their union is that
of vampire legend. Their love is a predestined prophecy foretold
centuries ago.
It’s a week before Ascher and Shauna's sealing and the couple is making
final preparations for their eternity. But Ascher's ex has other plans.
Ursula is hell-bent on revenge—revenge fueled by lover's scorn and her
father's death—and she begins breeding a fresh army of newborn darklings
to do her bidding.
When Ursula finds a new weapon—an ally with the capability to dismantle
the Rousseau clan— Ascher and Shauna's bond is tested and they must
stand together against Ursula or lose each other for eternity.
Thank you Ashlynne for joining us here today at From the Shadows!
To learn more about Ashlynne Laynne and her books, please visit her
website and don't miss
her interview here at From the Shadows.
**The Progeny Giveaway**
We are giving away ebook copies of The Progeny (2nd Edition) and Blood Bonds by Ashlynne Laynne to one lucky winner.
To enter, please leave a comment on this post and include your email address so we may contact you if you win. This giveaway is international. Giveaway ends August 2, 2012 midnight EST.