
Monday, September 15, 2014

Paranormal Road Trip: Destination Manhattan with Melissa De La Cruz

Come on boys and ghouls!  It's time to hop on Route 666 for a spooktacular Paranormal Road Trip.  This week's stop is Manhattan and our special guide is Melissa de la Cruz author of The Beauchamp Family (Witches of East End) series, the Blue Bloods series, and the Vampires of Manhattan series.

The Vampires of Manhattan series is set in Manhattan, one of the five boroughs of New York City, so it seems fitting that our guide for this week's Paranormal Road Trip be the amazing Melissa de la Cruz.  Let's see what terrifying places Melissa has planned for our tour.

Manhattan's Top Five Spooky Places

Manhattan is a city full of history and haunted places. A few of my favorite places to ghost-bust, below.

Hotel Chelsea
222 West 23rd St. 

The famous hotel in Chelsea was the site of many deaths. Poet Dylan Thomas, who wrote of the “dying of the light” and died there is said to haunt near room 206. Doomed punk couple Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen are said to haunt the lower floors. Sid killed Nancy in a drunken, drugged out fight, and he died of a heroin overdose before he could stand trial.

White Horse Tavern
567 Hudson St.
One of my favorite bars downtown, and related to the Chelsea Hotel. Dylan Thomas reportedly drank 18 whiskey shots here before collapsing and being brought back to his room at the Chelsea. It’s said he haunts his usual table at the tavern from time to time.

One If by Land, Two If by Sea

17 Barrow St.

One of the most romantic restaurants in Manhattan, it is also the former home of Alexander Hamilton and his daughter Theodosia, who have supposedly never left. Diners are said to have experienced being shoved by them, lights flicker, and women’s earrings disappear. Staffers insist the ghosts are friendly, but maybe a little cheeky?

Edgar Allen Poe’s Abode
85 West 3rd Street

“Nevermore” author Edgar Allen Poe lived here for eight months in 1845 and 1846, and wrote “The Raven” here. The house has been demolished for NYU dorms but students say they’ve seen the haunted and haunting writer climbing the banister, the only remaining part of the original house.

Mark Twain House
14 W 10th St between Fifth and Sixth Aves

The practical and down to earth writer born Samuel Clemens lived in Greenwich Village from 1900-1901 and reportedly haunts this domain. He was skeptical of ghosts, so it’s hard to believe he became one upon his death.

Thank you Melissa for giving us such a haunting tour of Manhattan!

Want more Melissa de la Cruz in Manhattan?

Check out these two YouTube videos of Melissa de la Cruz giving an author tour of Manhattan's Uptown and Downtown.  These videos also bring Blue Bloods fans up-to-date as she launches her new series Vampires of Manhattan.

To learn more about Melissa de la Cruz and her books, please visit her website. Also, don't miss my reviews of Blue Bloods, Masquerade, Revelations, and The Van Alen Legacy here at From the Shadows. You can add her Vampires of Manhattan series here on Goodreads.

Readers, was this your first visit to Manhattan?  Have you experienced anything supernatural in and around Manhattan?

What did you think of Melissa's picks for spooky places?

Last week on Paranormal Road Trip we visited New Orleans, Louisiana with Suzanne Johnson.  Next week we'll be traveling to San Diego with Eileen Wilks.

Join us for another spine-tingling Paranormal Road Trip...
if you dare!

Readers: What do you think of this new weekly feature?  Your feedback is important to us as we strive to bring you fresh new content that you want to read. 


  1. interesting stories about those places

    1. I love learning the history behind these ghostly encounters. :)

  2. I've never been to Manhattan but those spaces sound spooky

    1. I've visited, but never had the time to visit all of these haunted hot spots. Maybe next trip!

  3. A haunted tavern? Yes please! Whenever I make it to Manhattan, that's so going on the list.
