
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Q+A with Dianna Love (Witchlock)

Q+A with Dianna Love (Witchlock) urban fantasy

Please welcome today's guest author, Dianna Love!  Dianna is the author of the Belador urban fantasy series, including new release WITCHLOCK.

Q+A with Dianna Love

EJ:  When did you begin writing?

  I started creating stories in my mind in the late 90s while hanging a hundred feet off the ground painting murals on billboards and buildings. I sat down to put the first of those stories on paper in 2001.

EJ:  What brought you to the paranormal genre?  

I love the supernatural. I think that often grows from experience with the supernatural during life. I’ve had quite a few unusual experiences and many years ago I loved the book Intangible Evidence because it was filled with real-life events that could not be easily explained.  Thus, the title.  I think my first adult paranormal book was Anne Rice’s Lasher, which scared the stuffing out of me.  From that, I read Interview With A Vampire long before vampires were cool.  During that time, I was exchanging books with my mother-in-law, who read as diversely as I did, and she had a Julie Garwood (Ransom) romance in the pile she gave me.  That was amazing. I was hooked from that moment. I went on to read books by Karen Marie Moning, Sherrilyn Kenyon, JR Ward, Christine Feehan and more.  I also loved romantic suspense so by the time I came up with a paranormal idea, I knew I wanted it to be high action, sexy, emotional, intense and suspenseful.

EJ:  If you could be any paranormal or have any one supernatural talent, what would it be? Why?

I would teleport, because I hate traffic and want to snap my fingers to go somewhere.  If I chose any paranormal character to be, I’d choose to be a Belador.  They’re like paranormal SEALs, but in a world full of twists.

EJ:  Tell us why readers will enjoy your new release.

I can only tell you what readers have posted in reviews or sent to me.  These are from posts on Amazon.
“Every scene in WITCHLOCK is absolutely spellbinding…”
“Evalle and friends are back in another high energy, pulse pounding adventure…Fans of Rachel Caine’s Weather Warden series will enjoy this series. I surely do.”
“Dianna Love is the best at bringing together action, intrigue and the personal relationships of the characters.”
“O M G! Best I can say: Dianna has done it again!”
“Dianna Love's writing is smart, intelligent, believable and exciting, full of action and suspense.”
“I’ve loved the Belador series from the first book: it’s well written, face-paced, with a kick-ass heroine. There is a great cast of main protagonists and secondary characters. The world building is distinctive and credible.”

EJ:  If your book(s) were being made into a movie, who would you cast for the leading roles? Why?

I would have NO idea, but just for fun (these are based on visuals) I’d say Zoe Saldana as Evalle, Ian Somerhalder as Storm, Jake Gyllenhaal as Quinn, Boris Kodjoe as Tzader, Natalie Dormer as Brina, Bradley Cooper as “Casper,” Kit Harringon as Lucien Solis, Scarlett Johansson as Adrianna … that’s all I can come up with right now.  Our sweet gargoyle Feenix would be hard to cast.

Thank you Dianna for joining us here today at From the Shadows!

Witchlock urban fantasy by Dianna Love

Witchlock (Belador #6) by Dianna Love.

The Beladors are back in WITCHLOCK, Book 6 of the bestselling urban fantasy series by New York Times bestseller Dianna Love.

Witchlock vanished in the 13th century… or did it?

Some win. Some lose. And some will never be the same again.

After finally earning her place among the Beladors, Evalle is navigating the ups and downs of her new life with Storm when she’s sucked into a power play between her Belador tribe and the Medb coven. Both groups claim possession of the Alterants-turned-gryphons, especially Evalle, the gryphon leader. But an influx of demons and dark witches into Atlanta threatens to unleash war between covens, pitting allies against each other as a legendary majik known as Witchlock invades the city and attacks powerful beings. Evalle has one hope for stopping the invasion, but the cost may be her sanity and having to choose which friend to save.

Release Date: July 7, 2015
Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Add to Goodreads.

Have a question for Dianna?

Please ask in the comment section below.  We love comments!  Learn more about Dianna Love and her books on her website.


  1. EJ - thanks for this beautiful blog today!!! It's such a pleasure to visit here.

    1. My pleasure, Dianna. Thank you for joining us! :)

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