
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Comic Book Geek Extravaganza #Giveaway

Comic Book Geek Extravaganza #Giveaway Prizes

We have a special Comic Book Geek Extravaganza Giveaway with fab geekalicious prizes sponsored by Jeremy Flagg.  Flagg is author of the Children of Nostradamus series, including NIGHTHAWKS.

Comic Book Geek Giveaway

We are giving away this amazing prize pack, including
  • Justice League of America (1-4), 2004
  • The Secret Defenders (1-4), 1993
  • Civil War Funko Pop Vinyls
  • Avengers Tattoos
  • Marvel Mystery Mini Bag
  • DC Mystery Mighty Mini

To enter, use the Rafflecopter form below.  This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL.  Giveaway ends November 30, 2016 at 7PM EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck!

You can learn more about Jeremy Flagg by visiting his website.  More about his novel NIGHTHAWKS below.

Nighthawks Children of Nostradamus Jeremy Flagg

Nighthawks (Children of Nostradamus #1) by Jeremy Flagg.

Twenty-six-year-old painter Conthan Cowan takes art to a shocking frontier…

His debut exhibit features the transformation of his high school friend, Sarah, as she went from a shy, soft-spoken girl to a Child of Nostradamus—an individual gifted with extraordinary abilities. Living in a society where the Children of Nostradamus are captured by the government, Conthan’s exhibit draws attention from officials and protesters alike.

A government psychic may be dead, but that doesn’t stop her from manipulating the future…

The deceased White House aide is only remembered for her failed assassination attempt on the president decades before Conthan was born. Foreseeing her own death, she scribed letters to bring together specific Children of Nostradamus on a mission that will change the world.

On the night of the gallery exhibition, Conthan receives one of those letters…

Whispers from the past direct him to visit Sarah, the subject of his paintings, who like many Children of Nostradamus, is being detained in a government research facility. It’s there he finds himself aligned with a rogue group of Children on a mission to prevent a dark future.

As a dark future unfolds, there's only one hope to stop the destruction of the world...The Children of Nostradamus.

Add to Goodreads.

Thank you Jeremy Flagg for the chance to win fabulous prizes!


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